The Brothers Karamazov (영어로 읽는 세계문학 124)

표도르 도스토예프스키 | 내츄럴 | 2014년 03월 10일 | EPUB

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<카라마조프가의 형제들> 영문판.
1880년에 출간된 도스토예프스키의 장편소설.
미천한 계급 출신으로 자수성가한 아버지 표도르 카라마조프는 탐욕스럽고 음탕하기 이를 데 없는 지주(地主)이다. 아버지를 닮아 음탕하지만 시적 감수성이 뛰어난 장남 드미트리, 무신론자에 합리주의자인 차남 이반, 비열한 서자(庶子) 스메르자코프, 기독교적 가치관을 지닌 막내 아들 알료사 사이에서 발생하는 갈등을 다룬 작품이다.


표도르 도스토예프스키 (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
1821~1881. 러시아 모스크바 출생. 톨스토이와 함께 19세기 러시아 문학을 대표하는 세계적인 문호이다. ‘넋의 리얼리즘’이라 불리는 독자적인 방법으로 인간의 내면을 추구하여 근대소설의 새로운 가능성을 열어놓았다. 농노제적(農奴制的) 구질서가 무너지고 자본주의적 제관계(諸關係)가 대신 들어서려는 과도기의 러시아에서 시대의 모순에 고민하면서, 그 고민하는 자신의 모습을 전적으로 작품세계에 투영한 그의 문학세계는 현대성을 두드러지게 지니고 있으며, 20세기의 사상과 문학에 깊은 영향을 끼쳤다.
저서에 <가난한 사람들> <지하생활자의 수기> <백야> <죄와 벌> <백치> <카라마조프가의 형제들> 등이 있다.


Book 1. The History Of A Family
1. Fyodor Pavlovitch Karamazov
2. He Gets Rid Of His Eldest Son
3. The Second Marriage And The Second Family
4. The Third Son, Alyosha
5. Elders
Book 2. An Unfortunate Gathering
1. They Arrive At The Monastery
2. The Old Buffoon
3. Peasant Women Who Have Faith
4. A Lady Of Little Faith
5. So Be It! So Be It!
6. Why Is Such A Man Alive?
7. A Young Man Bent On A Career
8. The Scandalous Scene
Book 3. The Sensualists
1. In The Servants' Quarters
2. Lizaveta
3. The Confession Of A Passionate HeartㅡIn Verse
4. The Confession Of A Passionate HeartㅡIn Anecdote
5. The Confession Of A Passionate HeartㅡHeels Up
6. Smerdyakov
7. The Controversy
8. Over The Brandy
9. The Sensualists
10. Both Together
11. Another Reputation Ruined
Book 4. Lacerations
1. Father Ferapont
2. At His Father's
3. A Meeting With The Schoolboys
4. At The Hohlakovs'
5. A Laceration In The Drawing-Room
6. A Laceration In The Cottage
7. And In The Open Air
Book 5. Pro And Contra
1. The Engagement
2. Smerdyakov With A Guitar
3. The Brothers Make Friends
4. Rebellion
5. The Grand Inquisitor
6. For Awhile A Very Obscure One
7. It's Always Worth While Speaking To A Clever Man
Book 6. The Russian Monk
1. Father Zossima And His Visitors
2. The Duel
3. Conversations And Exhortations Of Father Zossima
Book 7. Alyosha
1. The Breath Of Corruption
2. A Critical Moment
3. An Onion
4. Cana Of Galilee
Book 8. Mitya
1. Kuzma Samsonov
2. Lyagavy
3. Gold-Mines
4. In The Dark
5. A Sudden Resolution
6. I Am Coming, Too!
7. The First And Rightful Lover
8. Delirium
Book 9. The Preliminary Investigation
1. The Beginning Of Perhotin's Official Career
2. The Alarm
3. The Sufferings Of A Soul, The First Ordeal
4. The Second Ordeal
5. The Third Ordeal
6. The Prosecutor Catches Mitya
7. Mitya's Great Secret. Received With Hisses
8. The Evidence Of The Witnesses. The Babe
9. They Carry Mitya Away
Book 10. The Boys
1. Kolya Krassotkin
2. Children
3. The Schoolboy
4. The Lost Dog
5. By Ilusha's Bedside
6. Precocity
7. Ilusha
Book 11. Ivan
1. At Grushenka's
2. The Injured Foot
3. A Little Demon
4. A Hymn And A Secret
5. Not You, Not You!
6. The First Interview With Smerdyakov
7. The Second Visit To Smerdyakov
8. The Third And Last Interview With Smerdyakov
9. The Devil. Ivan's Nightmare
10. It Was He Who Said That
Book 12. A Judicial Error
1. The Fatal Day
2. Dangerous Witnesses
3. The Medical Experts And A Pound Of Nuts
4. Fortune Smiles On Mitya
5. A Sudden Catastrophe
6. The Prosecutor's Speech. Sketches Of Character
7. An Historical Survey
8. A Treatise On Smerdyakov
9. The Galloping Troika. The End Of The Prosecutor's Speech
10. The Speech For The Defense. An Argument That Cuts Both Ways
11. There Was No Money. There Was No Robbery
12. And There Was No Murder Either
13. A Corrupter Of Thought
14. The Peasants Stand Firm
1. Plans For Mitya's Escape
2. For A Moment The Lie Becomes Truth
3. Ilusha's Funeral. The Speech At The Stone

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