세계 위인들의 교훈 이야기

도서정보 : 편집부 | 2014-03-19 | EPUB파일

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『세계위인들의 교훈 이야기』는 동서고금의 지혜로운 여러 명인들의 놀랍고 진실한 이야기를 모아서 엮었으며, 그들의 삶과 모습을 통해서 개인의 재미뿐 아니라 몸과 마음의 품성이나 지식, 도덕의 가치를 느낄 수 있도록 한 책이다.

구매가격 : 8,000 원


도서정보 : Plato | 2014-03-19 | EPUB파일

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Parmenides of Elea (Ancient Greek Παρμεν?δη? ?λε?τη? fl. 5th century BCE) was an ancient Greek philosopher born in Elea a Greek city on the southern coast of Magna Graecia. He was the founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy. The single known work of Parmenides is a poem On Nature which has survived only in fragmentary form. In this poem Parmenides describes two views of reality. In "the way of truth" (a part of the poem) he explains how reality (coined as "what-is") is one change is impossible and existence is timeless uniform necessary and unchanging. In "the way of opinion " he explains the world of appearances in which one s sensory faculties lead to conceptions which are false and deceitful. These ideas strongly influenced the whole of Western philosophy perhaps most notably through their effect on Plato.

구매가격 : 1,000 원


도서정보 : Plato | 2014-03-19 | EPUB파일

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The Philebus (occasionally given as Philebos Greek Φ?ληβο?) is one of the surviving Socratic dialogues written in the 4th century BC by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Apart from Socrates the primary speaker in Philebus the other speakers are Philebus and Protarchus. But Philebus who wants to defend the life of pleasure hedonism which Socrates describes as the life of an oyster hardly participates and his position has to be defended by Protarchus who has learnt argumentation from Sophists. Manuscripts of the work give it the subtitle "peri h?don?s ?thikos" indicating that it is "concerning pleasure" and that it is a work about "ethics" or in other words the question of the best way of life. However "there are large parts in the dialogue that deal with dialectics and ontology but have nothing to do with pleasure and ethics or if so only indirectly".

구매가격 : 1,000 원


도서정보 : Plato | 2014-03-19 | EPUB파일

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The Protagoras like several of the Dialogues of Plato is put into the mouth of Socrates who describes a conversation which had taken place between himself and the great Sophist at the house of Callias-- the man who had spent more upon the Sophists than all the rest of the world --and in which the learned Hippias and the grammarian Prodicus had also shared as well as Alcibiades and Critias both of whom said a few words--in the presence of a distinguished company consisting of disciples of Protagoras and of leading Athenians belonging to the Socratic circle. The dialogue commences with a request on the part of Hippocrates that Socrates would introduce him to the celebrated teacher. He has come before the dawn had risen--so fervid is his zeal. Socrates moderates his excitement and advises him to find out what Protagoras will make of him before he becomes his pupil. They go together to the house of Callias and Socrates after explaining the purpose of their visit to Protagoras asks the question What he will make of Hippocrates. Protagoras answers That he will make him a better and a wiser man. But in what will he be better? --Socrates desires to have a more precise answer. Protagoras replies That he will teach him prudence in affairs private and public in short the science or knowledge of human life.

구매가격 : 1,000 원


도서정보 : Plato | 2014-03-19 | EPUB파일

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The dramatic power of the dialogues of Plato appears to diminish as the metaphysical interest of them increases (compare Introd. to the Philebus). There are no descriptions of time place or persons in the Sophist and Statesman but we are plunged at once into philosophical discussions the poetical charm has disappeared and those who have no taste for abstruse metaphysics will greatly prefer the earlier dialogues to the later ones. Plato is conscious of the change and in the Statesman expressly accuses himself of a tediousness in the two dialogues which he ascribes to his desire of developing the dialectical method. On the other hand the kindred spirit of Hegel seemed to find in the Sophist the crown and summit of the Platonic philosophy--here is the place at which Plato most nearly approaches to the Hegelian identity of Being and Not-being. Nor will the great importance of the two dialogues be doubted by any one who forms a conception of the state of mind and opinion which they are intended to meet. The sophisms of the day were undermining philosophy the denial of the existence of Not-being and of the connexion of ideas was making truth and falsehood equally impossible.

구매가격 : 1,000 원


도서정보 : 문영심 | 2014-03-18 | EPUB파일

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만나선 안 될 여자를 만나다

농업생명과학연구센터 연구원 남지후는 토양에서 인산을 추출하는 능력이 뛰어난 미생물의 유전자를 변형해서 벼의 뿌리에 이식하는 연구를 한다. 그러던 어느 날, 그는 묘령의 여인에게서 얼마 지나지 않아, 한 여자를 만나며 자신이 죽게 된다는 황당무계한 이야기를 듣게 된다. 이를 한 귀로 듣고 한 귀로 흘리려던 찰나, 지후는 성주의 소개로 좀처럼 마주하지 못할 것 같은 여자를 만나게 된다.

“그, 그건 가연 씨가 모시는 신이 시킨 건가?”
“그 일을 하게 되면 큰 불행이 닥칠 거예요.”
머릿속이 혼란스러웠다. 갑자기 나타나서 순식간에 자기 마음을 빼앗아간 여자, 설명할 수 없을 만큼 사랑스럽고 신비스런 여인이 자기가 수년 동안 공들여서 완성한 탑을 허물어뜨리라고 요구하고 있다.

환경을 지켜야 하는 남자, 생태계를 파괴하는 남자

환경에 문제가 생기면 몸이 아파오는 신비로운 여인 가연과 지후는 서로에게 서서히 젖어가듯 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 만신에게 내림굿을 받은 가연은 지후의 베사큘레스 나미레 실험을 중단하라고 말한다. 지후는 애써 그녀를 설득하고 시험논에 미생물을 이식하는데, 베사큘레스 나미레는 플랑크톤과 결합한 녹색 변종을 만들어내면서 엄청난 재앙을 가져오고 마는데…….

구매가격 : 2,000 원


도서정보 : Plato | 2014-03-18 | EPUB파일

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I was going from the Academy straight to the Lyceum intending to take the outer road which is close under the wall. When I came to the postern gate of the city which is by the fountain of Panops I fell in with Hippothales the son of Hieronymus and Ctesippus the Paeanian and a company of young men who were standing with them. Hippothales seeing me approach asked whence I came and whither I was going. I am going I replied from the Academy straight to the Lyceum. Then come straight to us he said and put in here you may as well. Who are you I said and where am I to come? He showed me an enclosed space and an open door over against the wall. And there he said is the building at which we all meet and a goodly company we are. And what is this building I asked and what sort of entertainment have you? The building he replied is a newly erected Palaestra and the entertainment is generally conversation to which you are welcome.

구매가격 : 1,000 원


도서정보 : Plato | 2014-03-18 | EPUB파일

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It seems impossible to separate by any exact line the genuine writings of Plato from the spurious. The only external evidence to them which is of much value is that of Aristotle for the Alexandrian catalogues of a century later include manifest forgeries. Even the value of the Aristotelian authority is a good deal impaired by the uncertainty concerning the date and authorship of the writings which are ascribed to him. And several of the citations of Aristotle omit the name of Plato and some of them omit the name of the dialogue from which they are taken. Prior however to the enquiry about the writings of a particular author general considerations which equally affect all evidence to the genuineness of ancient writings are the following Shorter works are more likely to have been forged or to have received an erroneous designation than longer ones and some kinds of composition such as epistles or panegyrical orations are more liable to suspicion than others those again which have a taste of sophistry in them or the ring of a later age or the slighter character of a rhetorical exercise or in which a motive or some affinity to spurious writings can be detected or which seem to have originated in a name or statement really occurring in some classical author are also of doubtful credit while there is no instance of any ancient writing proved to be a forgery which combines excellence with length. A really great and original writer would have no object in fathering his works on Plato and to the forger or imitator the literary hack of Alexandria and Athens the Gods did not grant originality or genius. Further in attempting to balance the evidence for and against a Platonic dialogue we must not forget that the form of the Platonic writing was common to several of his contemporaries. Aeschines Euclid Phaedo Antisthenes and in the next generation Aristotle are all said to have composed dialogues and mistakes of names are very likely to have occurred. Greek literature in the third century before Christ was almost as voluminous as our own and without the safeguards of regular publication or printing or binding or even of distinct titles. An unknown writing was naturally attributed to a known writer whose works bore the same character and the name once appended easily obtained authority. A tendency may also be observed to blend the works and opinions of the master with those of his scholars. To a later Platonist the difference between Plato and his imitators was not so perceptible as to ourselves. The Memorabilia of Xenophon and the Dialogues of Plato are but a part of a considerable Socratic literature which has passed away. And we must consider how we should regard the question of the genuineness of a particular writing if this lost literature had been preserved to us.

구매가격 : 500 원

진보의 어느 전초

도서정보 : 조셉 콘라드 | 2014-03-18 | EPUB파일

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케이어츠와 캐얼리어는 희극적이고 동시에 비극적인 두 인물이 정글 지대에 팽개쳐진 채 시간이 경과함에 따라 결국은 자신들이 진보와 문명의 우둔한 희생자들임을 깨닫게 된다. “진보의 어느 전초”는 진보와 문명이라는 가면을 쓴 채 인간과 자연에 대한 착취 라는 19세기 유럽 식민주의와 그 위선적인 인도주의에 관한 이야기이다.

구매가격 : 3,000 원

라스트 런어웨이

도서정보 : 트레이시 슈발리에 역자 : 이나경 | 2014-03-17 | EPUB파일

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1997년에 데뷔, 오늘날 세계적인 작가의 반열에 오른 트레이시 슈발리에의 2013년 작. 처음으로 모국인 미국의 역사를 소재로 한 장편소설로, 작가로서의 전환점을 이룬 작품이다. 저자는 2009년 4월, 노벨상 수상작가 토니 모리슨의 '19세기 지하철도 운동'에 대한 연설을 듣고 이 소설의 영감을 얻었다고 밝히고 있다.

이후 4년간 19세기 미국 오하이오의 시대상에 대한 면밀한 역사적 고증 작업을 통해 소설의 입체성을 완벽하게 구현했다. 미국 중서부 초기 개척자들의 삶을 면밀하고 섬세하게 관찰하여 각 등장인물들에게 각기 다른 개성을 부여하면서 1850년대 퀘이커 교도들과 도망 노예들의 이야기를 감동적으로 재현했다. 출간 이후 언론과 문단의 호평을 받았다.

영국 퀘이커 교도인 아너 브라이트는 1850년 영국 도싯(Dorset)에서 미국 오하이오로 항해를 나선다. 약혼했던 남자가 파혼을 선언하면서 마음의 상처를 깊이 입은 아너 브라이트는 언니 그레이스가 미국에 있는 약혼자와 결혼하기 위해 떠난다는 소식을 듣고, 갑작스레 언니와 동행하기로 결정한다.

하지만 한 달여의 항해로 인한 뱃멀미로 시달리고, 마차를 타고 미국 대륙을 건너는 도중 언니 그레이스는 황열병에 걸려 시름시름 앓다가 낯선 땅에서 죽음을 맞이한다. 홀로 남게 된 아너는 언니의 약혼자에게 불운의 소식을 전하기 위해 오하이오 주 페이스웰로 기나긴 여정을 계속한다.

구매가격 : 11,040 원