허만 멜빈의 백경 모비딕.The Book of Moby Dick; or The Whale, by Herman Melville

도서정보 : Herman Melville | 2020-02-04 | PDF파일

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인문 > 영미문학이론

허만 멜빈의 백경 모비딕.The Book of Moby Dick; or The Whale, by Herman Melville
흰고래와 배의 선장과의 바다에서 사투를 그림.
Title: Moby Dick; or The Whale
Author: Herman Melville

구매가격 : 18,000 원

칼릴 지브란의 예언자.The Book of The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran

도서정보 : Kahlil Gibran | 2020-02-04 | PDF파일

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인문 > 영미문학이론

칼릴 지브란의 예언자.The Book of The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran
목차에 있는 것들처럼, 사랑 결혼 .............죽음등에 대해서 씀.
By Kahlil Gibran
New York: Alfred A. Knopf
Title: The Prophet
Author: Kahlil Gibran
The Madman. 1918 Twenty Drawings. 1919 The Forerunner.
1920 The Prophet. 1923 Sand and Foam. 1926 Jesus the Son
of Man. 1928 The Forth Gods. 1931 The Wanderer. 1932 The
Garden of the Prophet 1933 Prose Poems. 1934 Nymphs of
the Valley. 1948

구매가격 : 17,000 원

화성으로 여행.The Book of Journeys to the Planet Mars or Our Mission to Ento,by Sara Weiss

도서정보 : Sara Weiss | 2020-01-31 | PDF파일

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인문 > 영미문학이론

화성으로 여행.The Book of Journeys to the Planet Mars or Our Mission to Ento,by Sara Weiss
책에보면 화성으로의 여행에 필요한 용어 언어 숫자 칼라색 이름 등이 새로 정리돼있음.
To all who may be concerned in an endeavor to acquire information relating to
affairs beyond the range of physical vision we offer for consideration what may
be regarded as an incredible narrative of journeys to, and explorations of the
Planet known as Mars, and we entreat that you shall not pass unfriendly judgment
upon that which may impress you as a merely imaginative composition, but which,
in all sincerity, is a statement of facts.
Desiring to, as far as practicable, simplify the relation of this absolutely truthful
narrative, of a not unexampled undertaking, I, and others of the Evon-thia, have
thought it well to present it in colloquial form, as being more realistic than any
other mode of expression, and also we have thought it well, that only a limited
number of our numerous Band shall present themselves as actors, in what may
appear a fanciful drama.
We are aware that we might offer certain special pleadings, which, in many minds,
would induce favorable consideration of the unvarnished relation of our varied
experiences, but we prefer to leave to the more or less enlightened seekers after
truth, such verdict as their inner perceptions may accord, not only for the facts
and philosophy involved in the narrative, but also for the services of our intrepid
conscientious and faithful instrument, who, during nearly two years, devoted her
time, her energy and such ability, as she alone of Earth's sensitives, at this period
possesses, for the accomplishment of an object which long has concerned the
denizens of our and other spirit worlds, an object for which wittingly she became
With occasional brief interruptions, our journeys to the Planet, astronomically
known as Mars, but to its inhabitants as Ento, which in the Ento language signifies
"chosen, or set apart," extended from October 6, 1892, to September 16, 1894.
During this period, through a rather rare phase of mediumship, which we term
semi-automatism, the objective, or soul consciousness of our instrument was
controlled to write certain observations and experiences, but through various
unavoidable conditions, the record was somewhat imperfect, fragmentary and
altogether too voluminous for the purpose in view. Hence, when after quite two
years, during which she gradually recovered from the devitalized condition, to
which her devotion to a most worthy object had reduced her, she expressed her
readiness to permit herself to pass under my control for the purpose of revising
the manuscript, the contents of which she was almost wholly ignorant, I found
myself a little dismayed over the magnitude of our mutual undertaking, which I
well knew would tax our endurance to the utmost, and certainly, only patient,
persistent endeavor on the part of our instrument, and myself, has resulted in
what, at the best, we all consider a not very satisfactory rendition of experiences

구매가격 : 17,000 원

뉴문 초승달 뜰무렵의 에밀리.Emily of New Moon, by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery

도서정보 : L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery | 2020-01-31 | PDF파일

지원기기 : PC / Android / iOS

인문 > 영미문학이론

뉴문 초승달 뜰무렵의 에밀리.Emily of New Moon, by L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery
빨강머리 앤의 저자가 쓴책. 그림에 있는 것 처럼 에밀리가 초승달 뉴문이 뜰 때에 에밀리의 모습을 그린 책.

구매가격 : 16,000 원

싯다르타.The Book of Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse

도서정보 : Herman Hesse | 2020-01-31 | PDF파일

지원기기 : PC / Android / iOS

인문 > 영미문학이론

싯다르타.The Book of Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse
석가여래의 어릴 때 이름.An Indian Tale 인도 이야기.
Title: Siddhartha
Author: Herman Hesse
Translator: Gunther Olesch, Anke Dreher, Amy
Coulter, Stefan Langer and Semyon Chaichenets
Language: English

구매가격 : 10,000 원

보바리 부인.The Book of Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert

도서정보 : Gustave Flaubert | 2020-01-31 | PDF파일

지원기기 : PC / Android / iOS

인문 > 영미문학이론

보바리 부인.The Book of Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert
프랑스 보바리 부인이 불륜을 하여서 파산함.
By Gustave Flaubert
Translated from the French by
Eleanor Marx- Aveling
To Marie- Antoine- Jules Senard Member of the Paris Bar,
Ex- President of the National Assembly, and Former Minister
of the Interior Dear and Illustrious Friend, Permit me to
inscribe your name at the head of this book, and above its
dedication; for it is to you, before all, that I owe its
publication. Reading over your magnificent defence, my
work has acquired for myself, as it were, an unexpected
Accept, then, here, the homage of my gratitude, which,
how great soever it is, will never attain the height of your
eloquence and your devotion.
Gustave Flaubert, Paris, 12 April 1857

구매가격 : 15,000 원

워드워스 시집. 1(The Book of Poems In Two Volumes, Vol. 1, by William Wordsworth)

도서정보 : William Wordsworth | 2020-01-29 | PDF파일

지원기기 : PC / Android / iOS

인문 > 영미문학이론

워드워스 시집 제1권.The Book of Poems In Two Volumes, Vol. 1, by William Wordsworth
영국의 서정시인 자연주의시 낭만시

구매가격 : 14,000 원

워드워스의 시집. 2(The Book of Poems In Two Volumes, Vol. 2, by William Wordsworth)

도서정보 : William Wordsworth | 2020-01-29 | PDF파일

지원기기 : PC / Android / iOS

인문 > 영미문학이론

워드워스의 시집 제2권.The Book of Poems In Two Volumes, Vol. 2, by William Wordsworth
영국의 서정시인 자연주의시 낭만시.
Title: Poems In Two Volumes, Vol. 2
Author: William Wordsworth

구매가격 : 14,000 원

샤롯브론테의 제인에어.The Book Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte

도서정보 : Charlotte Bronte | 2020-01-28 | PDF파일

지원기기 : PC / Android / iOS

인문 > 영미문학이론

샤롯브론테의 제인에어.The Book Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
영국 여성작가인 샤롯 브론테의 작품. 1800년도 영국의 앵글리칸 미니스터 성공회 목사의 딸.
1800년도 초의 빅토리아 여왕시대의 영국잉글랜드의 여성 저자자신의 자서전적 작품.
by Charlotte Bronte, Illustrated by F. H. Townsend
Title: Jane Eyre
an Autobiography
Author: Charlotte Bront

구매가격 : 17,000 원

키플링의 정글북.The Book of The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling

도서정보 : Rudyard Kipling | 2020-01-28 | PDF파일

지원기기 : PC / Android / iOS

인문 > 영미문학이론

키플링의 정글북.The Book of The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling

정글북. 영국의 작가 키플링이 지은 장편. 정글에서 늑대에게 키워진 남자아이가 동물들의 규범을 지켜 정글의 지도자가 됨. 어른으로 성장후에 인간을 만나기 위하여 정글을 떠날 때까지를 묘사. 1894년에 발표.

구매가격 : 15,000 원