Tobin s Palm

O Henry | 도디드 | 2014년 07월 03일 | EPUB

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전자책 정가 500원

판매가 500원


오 헨리의 영문단편소설이다. Tobin and me the two of us went down to Coney one day for there was four dollars between us and Tobin had need of distractions. For there was Katie Mahorner his sweetheart of County Sligo lost since she started for America three months before with two hundred dollars her own savings and one hundred dollars from the sale of Tobin s inherited estate a fine cottage and pig on the Bog Shannaugh. And since the letter that Tobin got saying that she had started to come to him not a bit of news had he heard or seen of Katie Mahorner. Tobin advertised in the papers but nothing could be found of the colleen.


미국의 소설가로 본명은 윌리엄 시드니 포터. 오 헨리는 필명이다. 본래 은행원이었는데 횡령을 해서 감옥에 간 후 감옥에서의 비참한 생활을 바탕으로 휴머니티가 돋보이는 감동적인 이야기를 썼다. 다소 억지스러운 휴머니티는 비판받기도 하지만 빈민들의 애환을 다채롭고 교묘히 그려 많은 독자들의 사랑을 받았다.

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