American Cocktail Recipes

Dasom Park | e퍼플 | 2022년 01월 03일 | EPUB

이용가능환경 : Windows/Android/iOS 구매 후, PC, 스마트폰, 태블릿PC에서 파일 용량 제한없이 다운로드 및 열람이 가능합니다.


전자책 정가 6,000원

판매가 6,000원


Absinthe Cocktail.

Fill a mixing-glass half-full of fine ice, add one dash gum-syrup, one dash Peyschaud or Angostura bitters, one pony absinthe, one pony water. Mix well. Strain into cocktail glass; add a piece twisted lemon-peel.

Amaranth Cocktail.

Fine ice in a mixing-glass, two dashes Angostura bitters, one jigger whiskey. Mix, strain into a whiskey-glass, and fill up with seltzer; then take a very little fine sugar in a small bar-spoon and stir into the cocktail. Drink during effervescence.

Apple Brandy Cocktail.

A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, two dashes Peyschaud or Angostura bitters, one jigger apple brandy. Mix and strain into a cocktail-glass. Add a piece of twisted lemon-peel.

Armour Cocktail.

Fine ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a piece of orange-peel or a maraschino cherry. etc.





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