데이비드 흄의 인간 본성人間本性에 관한 논고論考집.The Book of A Treatise of Human Nature, by David H

David Hume and Thomas Hill Green | 뉴가출판사 | 2020년 08월 10일 | PDF

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데이비드 흄의 인간 본성人間本性에 관한 논고論考집.The Book of A Treatise of Human Nature, by David Hume and Thomas Hill Green
데이비드 흄 . 1739.1740년
근대 영국 경험론을 완성한 저서로 세 권으로됨. 1권 오성에 관하여 와 2권 정념에 관하여 는 1739년에 출판, 3권 도덕에 관하여는 그이듬해에 출판. 이 책에서 흄은 오성, 정념, 도덕의 문제들을 통해 모든 학의 토대인인간학을 경험적으로 관찰함. 흄은 뉴턴의 과학적 방법론을 인간 본성의 연구에까지 확장라고, 로크· 등의 경험주의 철학의 진전을 시킴.
인간 본성에 관한 논고의 3권은 방법론과 철학적 입장에서 일관성을 가지고 인간 본성에 대한 체계적 설명. 이 책은 인식론, 윤리학, 사회철학 등의철학 분야에 큰 영향을 줌. 그리하여서,근대 형이상학에 대한 비판은 칸트가 그의비판철학을 계획하게 강력한 영감을 줌. 도덕적 정당화를유용성에 결부시킴으로써 공리주의의 출현에 벤담과 존스튜어트밀에 영향줌.

Title: A Treatise of Human Nature Being an Attempt to Introduce the
Experimental Method into Moral Subjects
Author: David Hume
Thomas Hill Green
Editor: Thomas Hodge Grose
Language: English

A Treatise of Human Nature (1739?40) is a book by Scottish philosopher David Hume, considered by many to be Hume's most important work and one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy.[1] The Treatise is a classic statement of philosophical empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism. In the introduction Hume presents the idea of placing all science and philosophy on a novel foundation: namely, an empirical investigation into human nature. Impressed by Isaac Newton's achievements in the physical sciences, Hume sought to introduce the same experimental method of reasoning into the study of human psychology, with the aim of discovering the "extent and force of human understanding". Against the philosophical rationalists, Hume argues that the passions, rather than reason, govern human behaviour. He introduces the famous problem of induction, arguing that inductive reasoning and our beliefs regarding cause and effect cannot be justified by reason; instead, our faith in induction and causation is the result of mental habit and custom. Hume defends a sentimentalist account of morality, arguing that ethics is based on sentiment and the passions rather than reason, and famously declaring that "reason is, and ought only to be the slave to the passions". Hume also offers a skeptical theory of personal identity and a compatibilist account of free will.


데이비드 흄의 인간 본성人間本性에 관한 논고論考집.The Book of A Treatise of Human Nature, by David Hume and Thomas Hill Green
데이비드 흄 . 1739.1740년
근대 영국 경험론을 완성한 저서로 세 권으로 구성되었다.
토마스 힐 그린. Thomas Hill Green. 1836년 . 1882년 . 영국 옥스포드 이상주의理想主義를 대표하는 정치사상가이자 철학자.
이책은 원래 흄의 3권의 책을 토마스 그린힐이 2권으로 정리해서 1874년도 출간.


데이비드 흄의 인간 본성人間本性에 관한 논고論考집.The Book of A Treatise of Human Nature, by David Hume and Thomas Hill Green
이책에서 목차는 1권은 345번의 항목으로,2권은 64번의 항목으로 구성됨.
of the
1. How the history of philosophy should be studied. -
345. Possibility of such fictitious ideas implies refutation of Hume’s doctrine.

of the
1. Hume’s doctrine of morals parallel to his doctrine of nature. -
64. Only respectability remains: and even this not consistently accounted for.

흄의 원래책 목차.Contents
1 Content 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Book 1: Of the Understanding 1.2.1 Part 1: Of ideas, their origin, composition, connexion, abstraction, etc.
1.2.2 Part 2: Of the ideas of space and time
1.2.3 Part 3: Of knowledge and probability Sections 1?3
1.2.4 Part 4: Of the skeptical and other systems of philosophy Sections 1?2
1.3 Book 2: Of the Passions 1.3.1 Part 1: Of pride and humility Sections 1?6
1.3.2 Part 2: Of love and hatred Sections 1?3
1.3.3 Part 3: Of the will and direct passions Sections 1?2
1.4 Book 3: Of Morals 1.4.1 Part 1: Of virtue and vice in general
1.4.2 Part 2: Of justice and injustice Sections 1?2
1.4.3 Part 3: Of the other virtues and vices Section 1

Introductions to Books I and II of
David Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature
Thomas Hill Green
A Treatise of Human Nature, being an attempt to introduce
the Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects
and Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
by David Hume,
Edited, with preliminary dissertation and Notes
, by T.H. Green and T.H. Grose
London, Longmans Green & Co, 1874

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