연방주의자 논집 文集 .The Federalist Papers,by Alexander Hamilton,John Jay,and James Madison

Alexander Hamilton,John Jay,and James Madison | 뉴가출판사 | 2020년 04월 03일 | PDF

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연방주의자 논집.?邦?人文集 .The Federalist Papers,by Alexander Hamilton,John Jay,and James Madison
연방주의자 논문집
1788년에 출간된 헌법 해설서.
미국 건국주역들의 정치사상을 알기 위한 귀중한 자료로, 연방 헌법을 옹호하는 85개의 논문으로 구성.
알렉산더 해밀턴
알렉산더 해밀턴, 존 제이, 제임스 매디슨
알렉산더 해밀턴 Alexander Hamilton
1755-1804. 미국의 법률가, 정치가. 영국령 서인도제도British West Indies 출생.
존 제이, 제임스 매디슨과 함께 헌법을 옹호하는 논문 연방주의자 The Federalist를 발표. 초대 워싱턴 정부 시절 재무부 장관.
존 제이 John Jay
1745-1829. 미국의 정치가. 뉴욕New York 출생.
대법원 초대 장관, 뉴욕 주지사 .
제임스 매디슨 James Madison
1751-1836. 미국의 제4대1809-1817 대통령, 정치학자. 버지니아Virginia 출생.
버지니아 식민지 의회 의원. 대륙회의 버지니아 대표로 미국 독립 전쟁에 참가. 헌법제정회의에서 헌법초안 기초를 맡아 미국헌법의 아버지. T.제퍼슨 행정부의 국무장관을 지낸 후 대통령이 되어 제퍼슨의 중립정책을 계승.

FEDERALIST No. 40. On the Powers of the Convention to Form a Mixed
Government Examined and Sustained.
FEDERALIST No. 41. General View of the Powers Conferred by The
FEDERALIST No. 42. The Powers Conferred by the Constitution Further
FEDERALIST No. 43. The Same Subject Continued (The Powers
Conferred by the Constitution Further Considered)
FEDERALIST No. 44. Restrictions on the Authority of the Several States
FEDERALIST No. 45. The Alleged Danger From the Powers of the Union
to the State Governments.
FEDERALIST No. 46. The Influence of the State and Federal
Governments Compared
FEDERALIST No. 47. The Particular Structure of the New Government
and the Distribution of Power Among Its Different Parts.
FEDERALIST No. 48. These Departments Should Not Be So Far
Separated as to Have No Constitutional Control Over Each Other.


연방주의자 논문집
1788년에 출간된 헌법 해설서.
미국 건국주역들의 정치사상을 알기 위한 귀중한 자료로, 연방 헌법을 옹호하는 85개의 논문으로 구성.
알렉산더 해밀턴
알렉산더 해밀턴, 존 제이, 제임스 매디슨
알렉산더 해밀턴 Alexander Hamilton
1755-1804. 미국의 법률가, 정치가. 영국령 서인도제도British West Indies 출생.
존 제이, 제임스 매디슨과 함께 헌법을 옹호하는 논문 연방주의자 The Federalist를 발표. 초대 워싱턴 정부 시절 재무부 장관.
존 제이 John Jay
1745-1829. 미국의 정치가. 뉴욕New York 출생.
대법원 초대 장관, 뉴욕 주지사 .
제임스 매디슨 James Madison
1751-1836. 미국의 제4대1809-1817 대통령, 정치학자. 버지니아Virginia 출생.
버지니아 식민지 의회 의원. 대륙회의 버지니아 대표로 미국 독립 전쟁에 참가. 헌법제정회의에서 헌법초안 기초를 맡아 미국헌법의 아버지. T.제퍼슨 행정부의 국무장관을 지낸 후 대통령이 되어 제퍼슨의 중립정책을 계승.


연방주의자 논집.?邦?人文集 .The Federalist Papers,by Alexander Hamilton,John Jay,and James Madison

FEDERALIST No. 1. General Introduction
FEDERALIST No. 2. Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and
FEDERALIST No. 3. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning Dangers
From Foreign Force and Influence)
FEDERALIST No. 4. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning Dangers
From Foreign Force and Influence)
FEDERALIST No. 5. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning Dangers
From Foreign Force and Influence)
FEDERALIST No. 6. Concerning Dangers from Dissensions Between
the States
FEDERALIST No. 7. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning Dangers
from Dissensions Between the States)
FEDERALIST No. 8. The Consequences of Hostilities Between the
FEDERALIST No. 9. The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic
Faction and Insurrection
FEDERALIST No. 10. The Same Subject Continued (The Union as a
Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection)
FEDERALIST No. 11. The Utility of the Union in Respect to Commercial
Relations and a Navy
FEDERALIST No. 12. The Utility of the Union In Respect to Revenue
FEDERALIST No. 13. Advantage of the Union in Respect to Economy
in Government
FEDERALIST No. 14. Objections to the Proposed Constitution From
Extent of Territory Answered
FEDERALIST No. 15. The Insufficiency of the Present Confederation to
Preserve the Union
FEDERALIST No. 16. The Same Subject Continued (The Insufficiency
of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union)

FEDERALIST No. 17. The Same Subject Continued (The Insufficiency
of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union)

FEDERALIST No. 18. The Same Subject Continued (The Insufficiency
of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union)

FEDERALIST No. 19. The Same Subject Continued (The Insufficiency
of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union)

FEDERALIST No. 20. The Same Subject Continued (The Insufficiency
of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union)

FEDERALIST No. 21. Other Defects of the Present Confederation
FEDERALIST No. 22. The Same Subject Continued (Other Defects of
the Present Confederation)
FEDERALIST No. 23. The Necessity of a Government as Energetic as
the One Proposed to the Preservation of the Union
FEDERALIST No. 24. The Powers Necessary to the Common Defense
Further Considered
FEDERALIST No. 25. The Same Subject Continued (The Powers
Necessary to the Common Defense Further Considered)

FEDERALIST No. 26. The Idea of Restraining the Legislative Authority
in Regard to the Common Defense Considered.
FEDERALIST No. 27. The Same Subject Continued (The Idea of
Restraining the Legislative Authority in Regard to the Common Defense
FEDERALIST No. 28. The Same Subject Continued (The Idea of
Restraining the Legislative Authority in Regard to the Common Defense
FEDERALIST No. 29. Concerning the Militia
FEDERALIST No. 30. Concerning the General Power of Taxation
FEDERALIST No. 31. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning the
General Power of Taxation)
FEDERALIST No. 32. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning the
General Power of Taxation)
FEDERALIST No. 33. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning the
General Power of Taxation)
FEDERALIST No. 34. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning the
General Power of Taxation)
FEDERALIST No. 35. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning the
General Power of Taxation)
FEDERALIST No. 36. The Same Subject Continued (Concerning the
General Power of Taxation)
FEDERALIST No. 37. Concerning the Difficulties of the Convention in
Devising a Proper Form of Government.
FEDERALIST No. 38. The Same Subject Continued, and the
Incoherence of the Objections to the New Plan Exposed.
FEDERALIST No. 39. The Conformity of the Plan to Republican

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