한국불교Korean Buddhism

Frederick Starr | 뉴가출판사 | 2019년 05월 10일 | PDF

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Korean Buddhism, by Frederick Starr .
1918년도에 일제시대에 미국인이 일본인친구하고 한국의 불교에 대해서 영문으로 쓴책임. 1900년도에 영국 런던에서 언더우드등이 발행한책의 기독교가 다른 종교를 연구해서 그나라 즉 한국의 불교정신이 2000년간 지배한 것을 영어권 영국계 기독교로 바꾸려한 것 같읍니다.


Frederick Starr . 미국의 시카고에서 저자 저술가임.1918년에 일본도쿄의 친구와함께저술.MY FRIEND AND FELLOW-STUDENT




Korean Buddhism, by Frederick Starr

Korean Buddhism: PAGE
History 1
Condition 32
Art 66
Bibliography 97
Notes 99
I Kim Ku Ha. President of Buddhist Committee for 1917 Frontispiece
II General view: Pomo-sa 2
III General view: Yuchom-sa, Diamond Mountains 4
IV Sari monuments: Yuchom-sa 6
V Main Temple: Kumsan-sa 10
VI Sari monument pyramid, Kumsan-sa. (A relic of Buddha is supposed
to be enshrined here) 16
VII Geomantic Mast: Chung-ju 18
VIII The Buddha: cave temple, Sukkul-am 22
IX Bodhisattva figure, Sukkul-am 24
X Great Miriok: Eunjin. General view 26
XI Group at Fukoan, branch of Sinkei-sa; Diamond Mountains 28
XII Hain-sa: Building for the Wood-blocks 34
XIII Hain-sa: Building for the Wood-blocks, interior 38
XIV Great Buddha relief on rock face: Inner Kongo 44
XV Sari monument to Muhak: Hoiam-sa 48
XVI Head-priest and Pagoda: Sinkei-sa, Diamond Mountains 50
XVII Main Temple: Yuchom-sa, Diamond Mountains 52
XVIII Carved Door, Yuchom-sa 54
XIX Brahmanic Guardian of Buddhism: Songkwang-sa 56
XX, A, B. Two Deva Kings, Guardians of World Quarters: Sukwang-sa 58
XXI Gigantic Deva King. Guardian of World Quarter: Pawpchu-sa. The
Korean standing by is a married man of normal stature 60
XXII Wall painting: The White Tortoise Scene of the Sei-yeu-ki:
Pongeum-sa 66
XXIII Wall paintings on plaster: Sukwang-sa 68
XXIV Great figures of Buddhist Trinity, seated: Pawpchu-sa. Sakya, Monju,
Fugen 70
XXV Great figures of Buddhist Trinity, standing: Kumsan-sa. Amida,
Kwannon, Daiseishi. (Thirty feet or so in height) 72
XXVI Figures―a Trio of Trinities: Sukwang-sa. (The figures are said to
be Kwannon, Amida, Daiseishi, Monju, Vairoshana, Fugen, Jihi,
Sakyamuni Teikakara) 74
XXVII Figure and painting of Kwannon: Pomo-sa 76
XXVIII Hall of the Ten Kings of Hell: Yongju-sa. (Notice combination of
figures and painting; the god of hell with two helpers, five kings with
small servants, two other officers, and one of the two Brahmanic
guardians) 78
XXIX Hall of Five Hundred Rakan: Sukwang-sa 80
XXX Extraordinary combinations of Rakan figures: Hall of Five Hundred
Rakan: Songkwang-sa 82
XXXI Painting of the Seven Stars: Sukwang-sa 84
XXXII Group painting: Sukwang-sa 86
XXXIII One of the Eight Scenes in the Life of Buddha: Sakya gains
Enlightenment: Pomo-sa 88
XXXIV The God of the Mountain: Fuko-an, branch of Sinkei-sa, Diamond
Mountains 90
XXXV Portrait of one of the chiefs of the Sixteen Kakan: Chikchi-sa 92
XXXVI Great painting: Pawpchu-sa 94
XXXVII Great painting displayed at Buddha’s Birthday Ceremony:
Tongdo-sa 94

출판사 서평

Korean Buddhism, by Frederick Starr .
1918년도에 일제시대에 미국인이 일본인친구하고 한국의 불교에 대해서 영문으로 쓴책임. 1900년도에 영국 런던에서 언더우드등이 발행한책의 기독교가 다른 종교를 연구해서 그나라 즉 한국의 불교정신이 2000년간 지배한 것을 영어권 영국계 기독교로 바꾸려한 것 같읍니다. 한국인이 불교를 경외의 대상으로한 것에 비해서 실용적으로 한국인보다도 더 잘연구한듯함.

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