영어강의에서 살아남기 (Essence)

배시원 | 키메이커 | 2017년 03월 24일 | PDF

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학점을 위해...
취업을 위해...
반드시 들어야 하는 영어 강의

영어에 대한 울렁증 때문에
영어 강의를 포기해야만 하는 슬픈 현실 ㅠ.ㅠ

영어 강의에 두려움을 느끼는 학생들을 위한
필수 영어 표현집

100가지 필수 영어 표현을 통해
영어 강의에서 생존하시길 진심으로 기원합니다~!!!

May the force be with you~^^*


- 서울시 교육청 영어 특강
- 한국경제신문 영어 칼럼니스트
- 김영 편입, 메가 UT 어휘/논리 교수
- YBM / ANC 승무원 학원 TOEIC 특강
- 대치동 삼보어학원, 예섬학원, 세정학원 TEPS 강의

- 외고/ 과학고/ 국제고/ 민사고 학생 대상 TEPS 강의
- 대학 TOEIC/ TOEFL 강의
(고려대, 성균관대, 경희대, 건국대, 동국대, 철도대, 안동대)
- 방과후 학교 TEPS 특강
(한영외고, 중앙고, 숭문고, 정명고, 자양고, 대진여고, 문현중)

- 한국 외국어 대학교 졸업
- 고려대학교 통/번역 Certificate/ Diploma 과정 수료
- 호주 Macquarie University 통/번역 대학원 석사


1. This is called ~
2. This indicates that ~
3. It seems like~
4. Basically,
5. For the time being
6. Then again,
7. To be exact,
8. Prior to~
9. To be specific,
10. Needless to say,
11. It has something to do with ~
12. Of course,
13. Keep in mind that ~
14. At some point,
15. Even though,
16. Sometimes,
17. When it comes to~,
18. As long as,
19. The same is true for ~
20. The reason why ~ is that ~
21. The gist of ~ is that ~
22. Consequently, ~
23. Presumably, ~
24. Regardless of~, ~
25. In this sense,
26. All things considered, ~
27. Up to this point, ~
28. In retrospect, ~
29. On the whole, ~
30. For these reasons, ~
31. The same principle applies (to) ~
32. Eventually,
33. In order to ~,
34. A common misunderstanding is that, ~
35. Thus,
36. The bottom line is that ~
37. Not many people know that, ~
38. In view of ~,
39. As we have seen, ~
40. Moreover, ~
41. Although ~
42. Furthermore,
43. I can see that ~
44. In another case, ~
45. From my experience,
46. In particular, ~
47. To illustrate~ , ~
48. In this way, ~
49. As it is, ~
50. Last but not least, ~
51. Overall, ~
52. Additionally,
53. To help you understand,
54. For one,
55. As I have shown,
56. What's more,
57. To begin with,
58. In summary,
59. An efficient method for ~ is ~
60. To make matters worse,
61. To take a personal example,
62. Similarly,
63. To give you an idea,
64. On top of that,
65. There are two examples to show how~
66. In other words,
67. Experts have verified that~
68. To some extent,
69. Generally speaking,
70. Unfortunately,
71. In addition to,
72. I’m not sure if~
73. As a result,
74. Before we get into~
75. As you know,
76. In fact,
77. It goes without saying that ~
78. An interesting point is that ~
79. The problem is that~
80. It depends on~
81. Let's assume that
82. This reflects~
83. For the most part, ~
84. Beginning~
85. ~has its advantages and disadvantages
86. It is evident that
87. Prefer A to B
88. A recent study discovered that~
89. According to~
90. For instance,
91. As the proverb goes~
92. Let's turn to
93. Not only A, but also B
94. Compared to ~
95. In short,
96. Before drawing any conclusions about~
97. It is clear that~
98. On the contrary,
99. Note the fact that~
100. A refers to ~

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